What programming language you start with really all depends on where you want to go with programming/coding. The great thing about this field is that there are an absolute abundance of smaller fields that you can go into, all using programming in their own unique ways. For web applications, a good start would be with HTML and later moving your way through CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, PHP, SQL, and any of the JavaScript libraries. Ruby is also a popular choice, so I would recommend checking that out too. For more scientific fields or areas with more machine learning and A.I., Python is generally a great place to start as it is widely used in that field of study. C++ is also a very useful language to know for that, but it can be a little more challenging for beginners. For game and application design, languages such as C#, C, Swift, Kotlin, and Java are most often used for that.
The snake-in-the-box problem in graph theory and computer science deals with finding a certain kind of path along the edges of a hypercube. This path starts at one corner and travels along the edges to as many corners as it can reach. After it gets to a new corner, the previous corner and all of its neighbors must be marked as unusable. The path should never travel to a corner after it has been marked unusable.
Imagine a 3-dimensional cube with corners labeled with three digit numbers of the x,y,z coordinates: 000, 001, 011, 010, 100, 101, 111, 110. The longest tour of this cube, given the rules above, follows the path 000 -> 001 -> 011 -> 111 -> 110 for a length of 4.
As you may imagine, as the dimensionality of the hypercube grows the complexity also grows. For dimensions above 9 there is no concrete answer, only longest lengths found so far.
Input Description
You'll be given a single digit n per line indicating the dimensionality of the cube on which to operate. Example:
Output Description
Your program should emit the length of the longest edge traversal path it can find following the constraints above. You should also emit the corners toured - consider using the labeling system from above. Example:
3 = 000 -> 001 -> 011 -> 111 -> 110
Challenge Input
The 8D hypercube will really stress the efficiency of your algorithm.
in Java
class Colony {
private int dimension;
private Node start;
IntList best;
Colony(int dimension) {
this.dimension = dimension;
start = new Node(dimension, new BitSet(dimension));
HashMap<Integer, Node> nodes = new HashMap<>();
nodes.put(start.id, start);
int max = (int) Math.pow(2, dimension);
// Create nodes in graph
for (int i = 1; i < max; i++) {
BitSet id = new BitSet(dimension);
String bitString = Long.toBinaryString(i);
if (bitString.length() < dimension) {
char[] fill = new char[dimension - bitString.length()];
Arrays.fill(fill, '0');
bitString = new String(fill) + bitString;
} else bitString = bitString.substring(bitString.length() - dimension);
bitString = new StringBuilder(bitString).reverse().toString();
for (int j = 0; j < dimension; j++)
id.set(j, bitString.charAt(j) == '1');
nodes.put(i, new Node(dimension, id));
// Add edges in graph
for (Node n : nodes.values()) {
BitSet id = n.bits;
for (int i = 0; i < dimension; i++) {
boolean b = id.get(i);
id.set(i, !b);
nodes.get(n.createId()).addEdge(n, i);
id.set(i, b);
void work(int iterations, int attempts){
IntList bestAnt = new IntList(200),
bestInGen = new IntList(200),
currAnt = new IntList(200);
for(int ignore = 0; ignore < iterations; ignore++) {
for(int ignored = 0; ignored < attempts; ignored++) {
if(bestInGen.size() < currAnt.size())
if(bestAnt.size() < bestInGen.size())
this.best = bestAnt;
private void applyPath(IntList path){
int length = path.size();
Node at = start;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
int e = path.get(i);
at = at.edges[e];
private void findPath(IntList curr) {
HashSet<Integer> blocked = new HashSet<>();
Node at = start, next = null;
do {
double odds = 1.0;
for (int i = 0; i < dimension; i++)
if (blocked.contains(at.edges[i].id)) odds -= at.odds[i];
odds *= Math.random();
boolean looking = true;
for (int i = 0; i < dimension; i++) {
if (blocked.contains(at.edges[i].id)) continue;
else blocked.add(at.edges[i].id);
if (!looking) continue;
odds -= at.odds[i];
if (odds <= 0) {
next = at.edges[i];
looking = false;
if(!looking) at = next;
} while (Arrays.stream(at.edges)
.filter(node -> !blocked.contains(node.id))
.map(res -> true).findFirst().orElse(false));
class Node {
final BitSet bits;
final int id;
final Node[] edges;
final double[] odds;
Node(int dimesions, BitSet id) {
this.bits = id;
this.id = createId();
edges = new Node[dimesions];
odds = new double[dimesions];
double odd = 1.0 / dimesions;
Arrays.fill(odds, odd);
void addEdge(Node node, int i) {
if (edges[i] != null) return;
edges[i] = node;
node.edges[i] = this;
void alter(int edge) {
double unassigned = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < odds.length; i++) {
if (i != edge) {
double taking = odds[i] * 0.01;
odds[edge] += taking;
odds[i] -= taking;
unassigned -= odds[i];
odds[edge] += unassigned;
int createId() {
return bits.length() > 0 ? (int) bits.toLongArray()[0] : 0;
public String toString() {
String res = String.valueOf(Integer.toBinaryString(id));
char[] arr = new char[edges.length - res.length()];
Arrays.fill(arr, '0');
return new String(arr) + res;
class IntList {
private int size;
private int[] list;
IntList(int length){
list = new int[length];
void add(int e) {
list[size++] = e;
void copy(IntList other) {
this.size = other.size;
System.arraycopy(other.list, 0, list, 0, size);
void clear() {
size = 0;
int size(){ return size; }
int get(int i) {
return list[i];
public static void main(String... args) {
for (int i = 1; i <= 9; i++) {
Time.init("Dimension: " + i);
Colony colony = new Colony(i);
colony.work(1000, 200);
Time.write("Dimension: " + i);
Note.writenl("Dimension: " + i + " -> " + (colony.best.size()));
Dimension: 1 took 0.106 seconds
Dimension: 1 -> 1
Dimension: 2 took 0.161 seconds
Dimension: 2 -> 2
Dimension: 3 took 0.128 seconds
Dimension: 3 -> 4
Dimension: 4 took 0.333 seconds
Dimension: 4 -> 7
Dimension: 5 took 0.539 seconds
Dimension: 5 -> 13
Dimension: 6 took 0.942 seconds
Dimension: 6 -> 26
Dimension: 7 took 1.899 seconds
Dimension: 7 -> 50 (usually hits 45-48)
Dimension: 8 took 4.038 seconds
Dimension: 8 -> 77 (best so far has been 92)
Dimension: 9 took 8.174 seconds
Dimension: 9 -> 126 (reeally far off)
The snake-in-the-box problem in graph theory and computer science deals with finding a certain kind of path along the edges of a hypercube. This path starts at one corner and travels along the edges to as many corners as it can reach. After it gets to a new corner, the previous corner and all of its neighbors must be marked as unusable. The path should never travel to a corner after it has been marked unusable.
Imagine a 3-dimensional cube with corners labeled with three digit numbers of the x,y,z coordinates: 000, 001, 011, 010, 100, 101, 111, 110. The longest tour of this cube, given the rules above, follows the path 000 -> 001 -> 011 -> 111 -> 110 for a length of 4.
As you may imagine, as the dimensionality of the hypercube grows the complexity also grows. For dimensions above 9 there is no concrete answer, only longest lengths found so far.
Input Description
You'll be given a single digit n per line indicating the dimensionality of the cube on which to operate. Example:
Output Description
Your program should emit the length of the longest edge traversal path it can find following the constraints above. You should also emit the corners toured - consider using the labeling system from above. Example:
3 = 000 -> 001 -> 011 -> 111 -> 110
Challenge Input
The 8D hypercube will really stress the efficiency of your algorithm.
in Java
class Colony {
private int dimension;
private Node start;
IntList best;
Colony(int dimension) {
this.dimension = dimension;
start = new Node(dimension, new BitSet(dimension));
HashMap<Integer, Node> nodes = new HashMap<>();
nodes.put(start.id, start);
int max = (int) Math.pow(2, dimension);
// Create nodes in graph
for (int i = 1; i < max; i++) {
BitSet id = new BitSet(dimension);
String bitString = Long.toBinaryString(i);
if (bitString.length() < dimension) {
char[] fill = new char[dimension - bitString.length()];
Arrays.fill(fill, '0');
bitString = new String(fill) + bitString;
} else bitString = bitString.substring(bitString.length() - dimension);
bitString = new StringBuilder(bitString).reverse().toString();
for (int j = 0; j < dimension; j++)
id.set(j, bitString.charAt(j) == '1');
nodes.put(i, new Node(dimension, id));
// Add edges in graph
for (Node n : nodes.values()) {
BitSet id = n.bits;
for (int i = 0; i < dimension; i++) {
boolean b = id.get(i);
id.set(i, !b);
nodes.get(n.createId()).addEdge(n, i);
id.set(i, b);
void work(int iterations, int attempts){
IntList bestAnt = new IntList(200),
bestInGen = new IntList(200),
currAnt = new IntList(200);
for(int ignore = 0; ignore < iterations; ignore++) {
for(int ignored = 0; ignored < attempts; ignored++) {
if(bestInGen.size() < currAnt.size())
if(bestAnt.size() < bestInGen.size())
this.best = bestAnt;
private void applyPath(IntList path){
int length = path.size();
Node at = start;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
int e = path.get(i);
at = at.edges[e];
private void findPath(IntList curr) {
HashSet<Integer> blocked = new HashSet<>();
Node at = start, next = null;
do {
double odds = 1.0;
for (int i = 0; i < dimension; i++)
if (blocked.contains(at.edges[i].id)) odds -= at.odds[i];
odds *= Math.random();
boolean looking = true;
for (int i = 0; i < dimension; i++) {
if (blocked.contains(at.edges[i].id)) continue;
else blocked.add(at.edges[i].id);
if (!looking) continue;
odds -= at.odds[i];
if (odds <= 0) {
next = at.edges[i];
looking = false;
if(!looking) at = next;
} while (Arrays.stream(at.edges)
.filter(node -> !blocked.contains(node.id))
.map(res -> true).findFirst().orElse(false));
class Node {
final BitSet bits;
final int id;
final Node[] edges;
final double[] odds;
Node(int dimesions, BitSet id) {
this.bits = id;
this.id = createId();
edges = new Node[dimesions];
odds = new double[dimesions];
double odd = 1.0 / dimesions;
Arrays.fill(odds, odd);
void addEdge(Node node, int i) {
if (edges[i] != null) return;
edges[i] = node;
node.edges[i] = this;
void alter(int edge) {
double unassigned = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < odds.length; i++) {
if (i != edge) {
double taking = odds[i] * 0.01;
odds[edge] += taking;
odds[i] -= taking;
unassigned -= odds[i];
odds[edge] += unassigned;
int createId() {
return bits.length() > 0 ? (int) bits.toLongArray()[0] : 0;
public String toString() {
String res = String.valueOf(Integer.toBinaryString(id));
char[] arr = new char[edges.length - res.length()];
Arrays.fill(arr, '0');
return new String(arr) + res;
class IntList {
private int size;
private int[] list;
IntList(int length){
list = new int[length];
void add(int e) {
list[size++] = e;
void copy(IntList other) {
this.size = other.size;
System.arraycopy(other.list, 0, list, 0, size);
void clear() {
size = 0;
int size(){ return size; }
int get(int i) {
return list[i];
public static void main(String... args) {
for (int i = 1; i <= 9; i++) {
Time.init("Dimension: " + i);
Colony colony = new Colony(i);
colony.work(1000, 200);
Time.write("Dimension: " + i);
Note.writenl("Dimension: " + i + " -> " + (colony.best.size()));
Dimension: 1 took 0.106 seconds
Dimension: 1 -> 1
Dimension: 2 took 0.161 seconds
Dimension: 2 -> 2
Dimension: 3 took 0.128 seconds
Dimension: 3 -> 4
Dimension: 4 took 0.333 seconds
Dimension: 4 -> 7
Dimension: 5 took 0.539 seconds
Dimension: 5 -> 13
Dimension: 6 took 0.942 seconds
Dimension: 6 -> 26
Dimension: 7 took 1.899 seconds
Dimension: 7 -> 50 (usually hits 45-48)
Dimension: 8 took 4.038 seconds
Dimension: 8 -> 77 (best so far has been 92)
Dimension: 9 took 8.174 seconds
Dimension: 9 -> 126 (reeally far off)
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